Just an update

Hello everyone,

Because my life is basically working right now (in my 2 jobs, and on my room still) I haven’t had much time to actually “think” to be able to write a good post. So I figured I’d just give a quick update about how things are going.

I am loving my new job and still love my old one 🙂 It’s nice having variety in what I am doing every day.

I am still working on my room… Unpacking and organizing. I am almost done unpacking… But I still have a good bit of organizing to do! Pictures will hopefully be coming in the next week or two of my room.

And I’ll also update you on my Bible reading program I am doing. So far I have read my Bible every day this month. Usually in the morning, but sometimes it gets pushed until evening. But I make sure to at least read from one of the bookmarked spots. I am only behind in one bookmark and I am very ahead in another. But I have really liked this program so far and it’s good to get reading from all over the Bible in one day. It keeps me interested and wanting more! 🙂

If you can, please be praying for a few unspoken requests I have. I can’t announce them publicly but there are a good many people on my heart lately that I have been praying for.

Well, I need to finish getting ready for work!



One of my unmentioned resolutions for this year is to work on my morning routine of getting up and doing my devotions right away in the morning. My goal is to work at getting up at 6am every morning of the week, getting myself awake, and then doing my devotions. Following that, just getting ready for whatever tasks I have to do that work, whether work or other errands.

So far I have done okay… In the past 2 days anyway. Last night I didn’t get home until late, so I was really worried about getting up this morning. Well, it just so happened that my brother was up when my dad was getting ready for work, and he wasn’t being very quiet. So I got up at 5:30am, got a shower, and then did my devotions. It was a really nice time. I just need to keep doing it…

I’ve been keeping up/getting ahead some in my Bible Reading plan. I really like it because I’m reading from 4 different places each day.

I’d appreciate prayers in my intent to pursue my goal.

Thanks for reading 🙂



One of my goals for the new year is to save up money to buy a Canon Rebel. I love photography and I love learning more about it.

A local group is starting a photography class that I plan on being a part of. I am hoping to learn a lot through this class and see improvement in my pictures as the year goes on.

I’d like to post pictures as often as I can. So here is a picture to start off the new year…









I hope you all had a great New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day! 🙂   I hope this year brings lots of good things!


Looking Ahead to 2011 …

As we go into the new year, many people are making new “resolutions” to try and keep. The big problem is many people look at the beginning of the new year wanting to change, so they make big plans… But then a couple weeks into January, or even the few that hold out until February start getting discouraged and quit. I have been at fault for this many times as well…

But this year, Lord willing, things will be different. I have made only a few resolutions and have some “rules” going into the new year with the resolutions. There are a few specific “get done” resolutions, but the rest are just things to work on.

The “rules” with the resolutions are that the resolutions themselves are not my main priorities. They are just resources and tools to use to become closer to God in my walk with Him. If I get discouraged, it’s okay… I have a back up plan, and ultimately it’s really okay. If I don’t get them accomplished in the year 2011, it’s not the end of the world. I can still go on with my life, I’m not a failure, just a human, like everyone else, who is not perfect.

* My biggest resolution is to read the entire Bible this year. I have found an awesome bookmark plan that gives you reading from 4 different places in the Bible each day. There are only 25 days in the month, so you have about 5 or 6 spare days for those days you just “can’t get it done…”

A few of my other resolutions are…

* Develop and keep a budget. (Even if I need to revise it many times, the goal is to stick with the budget as well as I can and figure out what works best for me.)

* Start an exercise routine. (Again, it’s okay if I’m not perfect at it. I’m not even going to start in January, I’m going to take time and work on it throughout the year.)

* Read as many Christian(non-fiction) books as possible. (I don’t have a number on this, so I’m just going to read, as many as possible.)

* Post on my blog at least once a month. (I feel this is an attainable goal. Though I’d love to post way more often and hope to. My goal is at the end of 2011 to at least have made one post per month.)

* Work on my attitude and having a servant’s heart.

* Pursue and outreach ministry.

Seven goals listed here, I have two more on my personal list, but chose not to share them. A total of 9 goals for the year of 2011. Ones that are basically just about working at being a better person, building habits, and  ultimately working towards my relationship with Christ.

I am very excited about this new year as I head into it with a new perspective than any year before. I know the Lord will do many marvelous things this year and can’t wait for some of the already planned events.

I pray that you all have a great year in 2011. I know that as long as I keep my focus on Christ, He is faithful and will be with me, and that is all I need in the coming year!


Looking back at 2010

Looking back at the year 2010… The Lord allowed a lot to happen to me. I was in my second semester of college at Bob Jones University majoring in Family & Consumer Sciences… I loved my college experience, but knew before I finished my freshman year, that I wouldn’t be able to afford college anymore than the year that I went. I finished my freshman year out of debt but with very little money. A couple months before I finished school I knew I should look at another job somewhere, because I needed to start some kind of plan for the rest of my life. I was on a few nanny websites, looking for a job in child care or something of the like. I ended up in contact with a woman who was a widow with two young children near Richmond, VA. So I ended up moving 2 weeks after I finished up college.

The rest of my summer/fall I was in VA working as a live-in nanny. It was quite an experience. I found a church about 2 months into the job and started attending Hanover Baptist Church and became a member a few weeks later. My boss then started dating someone and things started getting a little shaky, so I decided to make the move to put in my request to move home. I’m pretty sure it was coming from them soon if I wouldn’t have. So the weekend after Thanksgiving I moved back home.

My boss at Cascio’s referenced me to a friend and helped me get another job that will eventually turn in to full-time. I’ve been enjoying working 2 different jobs and meeting new people in both of them.

The Lord has taught me a lot this year about His perfect timing and orchestration of each and every person’s life. It’s amazing to know that before the world was even created, He knew exactly where I would be this day and what I would be doing and even thinking!

I am so thankful for everything the Lord has allowed me to go through and I’m thankful for the things He has kept me from as well! I can’t wait to see what will happen in the year 2011!


Desires of my Heart

The Lord is so good. I honestly don’t know anything else to say anymore.

The. Lord. is. good.

It’s simple. It’s true.

I was talking to someone this past week as I was going around and seeing people I wanted to catch up with before I move… I was sharing with her how earlier this semester I had been looking into all the jobs I could find that would be around home in case I couldn’t find something in the child care/nanny field. After I finished she said, “And you got exactly what you wanted. In a field you were studying for!” It hit me. Right then and there.

Psalm 37:4 says, “Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”(ESV)

The Lord has given me the exact desires of my heart. It’s what I’ve wanted. It’s the desires He has placed in my heart for a long time. I just want to be a wife and mother… I get to be close to that as a nanny and learn sooo much more before I actually come a wife or mother.

This is a new season for me and the Lord has been so loving and good to put me where I am. I never would have dreamed I would be in this place today.

Tomorrow (Monday) is the day I move. This is the beginning of a brand new chapter of the wonderful life the Lord has given me.


It’s Been a Long Time…

Hey everyone,

I know it has been a long time since I have posted! It’s just this season of life I guess! I got back from college on May 8th and have been so busy I haven’t had time to post! I am at my friend’s house and the kids are sleeping, so I figured I’d use this time to make a quick post and update everyone on my life. I’m hoping to work it out that I’ll be posting once a week after this. 🙂

So one whole year of college is… over. Gone. Done. Never have to do it again. I can’t believe it. The Lord showed Himself so many times throughout this whole entire year! I’ve learned so much about life and the ways that God works. A huge praise is the Lord provided the funds for me to finish my year at Bob Jones University DEBT FREE!!! I have very little left, but He has provided me a job. I don’t plan on returning to BJU in the fall because of funds, but I am going to continue with online college hopefully, after I take a semester off.

My new job is in VA. I will be a nanny for a mom and her two kids. The husband passed away last year. I am really excited about this new experience and learning more about different ways of raising/training children in the Lord. I am moving May 24th so I have only 2 weeks with my family and friends. I can’t wait to learn what the Lord will teach me. I am going to need to find a new church all by myself, (of course the Lord will help me) and really start getting into good routines and habits.

It is such a bittersweet time being home, because I get to see everyone, but at the same time I know I won’t get to see them again until August probably.

Well, I might not be able to post next week, but I will soon plan a routine for posting!!

I’ve missed blogging a lot!


As I’m packing…

Today was my last Sunday home before I leave to go back for second semester.  I don’t know why, but the Sunday before I leave always seems to be the hardest.  Well, I do know why…  It’s because I am leaving my brothers and sisters in Christ that I have so much in common with.  The thing is, I have so many more brothers and sisters in Christ in SC as well.  Finding a new church on my own was one of the biggest challenges I faces down at school.  It was hard to go to a different church when I had been raised in the one at home my whole life!  The Lord allowed me to find a great church though that is definitely my home church away from home.  The people there are amazing and very kind.

Anyway, this will probably be my last post until I get to Starbuck’s…  🙂   I’m going to continue packing.  I’m excited to go back, but I will miss certain people a lot!

In Christ,


Bittersweet Moments

I’m learning more and more that life is full of bittersweet moments.  Graduating was bittersweet because, “YES!  I am done with school!  But now I need to move on with my life because I’m officially an adult…”  Going to college was bittersweet because I knew I was going where God wanted me, but I knew I would miss my family.  Breaks are bittersweet because I enjoy spending time with family and friends, but I miss college a lot!  Going back is bittersweet because I want to go back, but I will miss my church family dearly!  Soon I will be moving on to something new and eventually (and Lord willing) marriage, and children and I’m realizing it’s all going to be so bittersweet!  Buut, God has a plan and every moment that happens He knows about it.  Matthew 8:28 – “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.”

I’ve very excited to see where the Lord continues to take me in my journey with Him.

I may be able to post one more time before I leave.  After that I’m hoping to post about once a week or every other week if I am able to.

Love and prayers,


Testimony of First Semester in College

Going into my first year of college I knew it was going to be hard.  I took it easy with high school especially because I was home schooled.  But I had the right attitude going into college.

A year before I actually went to college I wasn’t planning on going at all.  I was going to make up my own little schedule and do things myself.  I was going to go around and interview people, asking them what kind of resources helped them as a wife and mother.  Then I was going to get a couple resources at a time and start going through them.  Perfect idea to me.

Then I went to College Days again for my 3rd year in a row.  I enjoyed going every time because I just loved the atmosphere at Bob Jones University and the kindness of most everyone.  As I was down there in that environment I realized that I couldn’t do my own thing at home.  If I did my own thing at home, I wouldn’t have the spiritual support I would down there.  It would be hard and challenging, and I would most likely give up.  I prayed about it and told the Lord to direct me where He wanted me to be.

I took my ACTs and let my grades in the Lord’s hands.  If I got accepted to BJU I would see it as direction to go there.  Then I got accepted.  It was great, I was happy and really felt like that was where the Lord was leading me.  And it was!

I had a few ‘standards’ going into college.  I knew that I did not want to get into debt over college.  Because I just want to be a stay-at-home mom, I figured it would be foolish to get into debt if I don’t even plan on using my degree.  I also knew that because of that, I probably would not be going all four years.  I was okay with that though.  I went into my freshman year just hoping to learn everything I could and grow as much spiritually as I could before the next season of my life would start.

I am at peace with all my decisions though others may think it’s foolish.  My parents support me fully and that’s all that matters as far as people go.

Going into the semester I wanted to see myself change.  I knew I wasn’t doing very well spiritually and I couldn’t wait to get into the environment down there where I didn’t feel pressured to turn from God

I am so thankful that the Lord lead me to go to college!  Even if it is only for one year, I would have been fine with just one semester.  Everything I learned down there was amazing.  The Lord taught me so much through chapel, teachers, classes, friends.

The theme of the year was “Living in Light of the Gospel.”  It was perfect.  Just what I needed.  Because that was the theme of the year, it was preached on often and included in spiritual encouragement thoughts from the teachers in class.

So because of that the biggest thing I learned this semester is to put Christ first in my life.  As my uttermost desire and my top priority.  Because unless God is my top priority and main relationship, my life is nothing.  It was difficult to keep Him first as there are many assignments and projects for classes, but it was great when He would provide ‘extra time’ to get things done as you prayed.  Though my devotions were hard to keep up with, my prayer life continued to grow over the semester.  It was really neat to see the Lord working in my life.  My current focus is to continue to keep my priorities straight and really focus on Christ.  Though I fail many times, I know that God is there to help me back up and get back on track.  It takes daily determination to keep God my top priority.

Another thing I have learned is that the Lord will provide.  Many times you automatically think of Him providing money or ‘things’ you may need when you say He will provide, and He did provide the funds I needed to pay off my first semester without debt.  But when I say provide, I mean everything else.  The people I got to know this semester were the perfect people that I needed in my life at the time they were there.  They were the ones I needed and they helped me to remember to focus on God.  We were able to encourage one another in different areas and it was a real blessing that the Lord brought each one into my life.  He also provided enough time for me to be able to get assignments done.  There were times that I felt like I only had a little bit of time left to get something done, and I would look at my clock and see that I had a lot more time than I thought left!  He gave me strength to get through projects and tests.  He provided so much when I deserve nothing.

I learned that I need to trust Him solely for everything.  One of the biggest challenges I faced down there were when people asked me what I wanted to do.  When I would say homemaker they would think that was all cute and everything.  But when they found out that I may not get my degree they started questioning me.  They asked me questions such as, “Well, what if you get married and have children and then your husband dies?  How will you take care of your family?”  The thing is, I have an amazing God that loves me and He can provide in any situation.  If perhaps I got married and had children and my husband would die, the Lord would provide exactly what I needed to get by.  Whether it be a job, a family to live with, or my parents to help me, He would provide because He knows exactly what He is doing.

We were not put on this earth to gain for ourselves.  We were put on this earth to serve and worship our amazing God and lead others to Him.  That is our sole purpose here on this earth.  Though we may need to have a job to be able to house ourselves and take care of ourselves, our primary purpose is to serve God.

It has become so real in my life that it doesn’t matter if I have a college degree, or even if I end up not getting married, or anything else.  It just matters that I am serving God to further His kingdom and He will provide exactly what I need to do that.

There are so many stories I could tell about things that happened my first semester.  I will share this one…

I had to take Biological Science and it’s not necessarily my favorite subject.  It didn’t help that I had it Tuesdays / Thursdays at 8am.  I had not missed or been late to any of my classes and I was very thankful that I hadn’t.  I had a roommate with 8 o’clocks and she would make sure I was up by 15 till 8.  Which was fine for me because I can get ready pretty quickly thanks to my job at Cascio’s.  Well, one day I did not hear any of my alarms, and I also did not feel my roommate trying to wake me up.  Then at about 15 after Heather Shaffer woke up and realized I was still in bed.  So she woke me up with this…  “Emily, you know you missed your science class?”  I shot out of bed sitting straight up, and was not very happy.  But then I paused and prayed that the Lord would give me strength to get through this.  See, it wasn’t just another day of class, it was a test day.  And for missing a test on the day of the test you automatically get 2 letter grades docked off after you make it up.  Science is not my best subject as I said so I really needed a good grade on that test.  After I had prayed I felt a peace that I had never really felt before.  I wasn’t worried about the test, I knew God would provide and that He had a purpose for this.  When I looked back and saw that my first response was to pray, I was overjoyed.  It showed me that I was growing because just a couple weeks earlier that probably would not have been my first response.  It’s amazing when things like that happen and God gives you the grace to get through them.

As I close my testimony I want to share that I am very thankful to those of you who have supported me and encouraged me.  I hope that as I go into my second semester I can learn and grow even more!

Because of Christ,


One Week

This time next week I will be back in college getting ready to start my 2nd semester. I am excited. I feel like I know everything pretty well, and I have learned what works and what doesn’t as far as studying and discipline goes.

I am excited to see what the Lord has in store for me for this next semester. I’ve learned soo much this past semester that I can’t imagine what I’ll learn this coming semester. I’m excited to continue to learn and grow though!

It’s bitter-sweet being home. I enjoy being home and I love my family, but I feel like I’ve grown so much and that I’m even more independent than when I left and it just feels different. I knew it would, but it’s still difficult.

There are a few things I am going to be praying about daily this coming semester about options for the summer. One including finding a new job, hopefully along the lines of being a nanny. A few other things are on my mind too so if you would pray for me as I seek wisdom to make some hard decisions, I would greatly appreciate it!

Thanks to all who read!


As it continues to snow outside I am soon going to be getting ready to go skiing…  First time ever so we’ll see how it goes…

The snow reminds me of how when we go to Christ and He cleanses our sin and makes it white as snow, it’s so pure.  I love the winter for that.  It’s a great reminder that even though we will always sin while we are on this earth, Christ is still there to help us along and to wash our sins white as snow.


New Year, New Decade

It’s a new year… Wow.  I can’t believe it.  I never did make the time to write out all my goals, but I am going to this evening.  Here is a post from a new blog I like to read…  It’s a good motivator for the new year, even though it’s the 2nd day.

Staying Balanced While Life Is Full

Enjoy!  And Happy New Year’s!


New Theme, New Chapter

Hi everyone!  I know I have not posted in a long time!  The thing is I can’t post on campus and I sometimes just don’t make the time while I am off campus at Starbucks…  I will have to work on it better next semester.

As you can see I have just changed the theme to something a little more wintry for this current season…

I have officially finished my 1st semester of college and am anticipating my return to finish my 2nd semester and have accomplished a whole year of college.  This semester has gone fast and I have learned sooo much spiritually!  The Lord is so good.  I’m not sure what my plans are for after this first year of college, but there are a few things I’ve been thinking about and want to do.  There is a big chance that I won’t be going back to college next year, but I will be spending the time from now until summer praying fervently about what direction the Lord wants me to take in my life.  If you think about it, please pray that the Lord would give me wisdom in the decisions I need to make.

I am hopefully going to have a 1st semester testimony typed up within the next week.  When I get it typed up I will post it for all of you to read.

It’s amazing what the Lord has been teaching me and I can’t wait to see what He has in store for me next semester to learn!

I hope to start posting regularly when I get back to school, but we’ll see how things work out.

Something I just want to mention is the fact that this new year’s is the start of a new decade.  I am hoping to get some goals written out of things I would like to accomplish in the next 10 years.  I can’t even imagine where I’ll be.

Well, I should be going.

I’ve missed posting regularly!!

In Christ,


I’m here… and still alive!

Hey everyone!

I’ve been off campus a few times since I have been here, but not long enough to be able to pot an update on my blog!  I have been enjoying college a ton!  And the Lord has been getting me through a lot!  I can definitely see evidences of His grace in my life as I am here.  It’s amazing to see how He has worked different things out.  Our God is amazing!

I like all of my classes so far and all of my teachers are very nice.  I have made a lot of friends and we have been having fun!  My roommates are pretty amazing, and I’m very thankful for them.

I wish I could type a long long post on everything, but I am limited on time.  I will possibly going off campus tomorrow with one of the girls I work with to get on the internet, so if I have time tomorrow I may post again.  If not it probably won’t be until Thanksgiving until I post a good long one. 🙂


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